This is a maintenance release built for Models 2017.
This software is provided for all major OS in 64 bit only: Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. (for a 32 bit version please use previous release)
This version patched from 2.3.0 2017-02-27.
The GEMOC Studio contains components supporting the GEMOC methodology for building and composing executable DSMLs.
It includes the two workbenches:
The purpose of this section is to highlight some of the work done on the GEMOC Studio since previous releases.
This version is based on Eclipse Neon. This also includes internal component dependencies which are aligned to the components distributed with the Eclipse release train. For example : it now uses Xtext 2.10.x, Sirius 4.1.2, OCL 5.0.0, …
Thanks to Melange, it is now possible to build the animator as a language extension of a parent language.
In such scenario, the parent language supports the edition services. The child language inherits from it
in order to define the concepts and attributes required for the execution and animation.
From the model designer point of view, she is editing model conformant to the parent language. When running the model,
Melange will seamlessly convert the model into its executable variant in order to support the animation extension.
This is illustrated with the new version of the Sequential FSM example which is bundled in the Studio.
Some new wizards have been added in order to create BCOoL projects and files.
A diff viewer is now also available in order to compare execution traces.
Various bug fix have been done on this component.
Many bugs and feature have been solved in this release. This includes (but is not limited to) the following:
(ie. bug fixed since V2.2.0)
(i.e. done since V2.2.0)