IDM4SCO, the French Research Network on Model-Driven Engineering for Complex Systems, brings together researchers from Computational Science and Computer Science working in different fields (climate change, biology, epidemiology, agronomy, etc.), with a common interest in the use of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) to build software related to complex systems.
MDE is a software engineering displine that promote the use of modeling languages to support separation of concerns and automated generation of major system artifacts (e.g., test cases, implementations) from models. Various domain-specific modeling languages and language workbenches have been recently developed among the IDM4SCO partners: the language OCELET (CIRAD) to model spacial dynamics, the language KENDRICK (IRD) for epidemiological modelign and simulation,the Eclipse GEMOC Studio (Inria / Univ. Toulouse), incl. a specific application to farming system modeling (INRIA/INRA/Obeo, or IRSTEA).
IDM4SCO aims to support collaborations among the partners working in MDE applied to complex systems, and to promote the use of modeling techniques near to modellers (e.g., scientist) of any displines.
Most relevant publications from the IDM4SCO partners (TBC.), for the sake of background definition.
"Modeling for Sustainability",
Benoit Combemale, Betty H.C. Cheng, Ana Moreira, Jean-Michel Bruel, Jeff Gray.
In International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering 2016 (MiSE'16).
"MDE in Practice for Computational Science",
Jean-Michel Bruel, Benoit Combemale, Ileana Ober, Hélène Raynal.
In International Conference on Computational Science 2015 (ICCS'15).
"Ambient Intelligence Users in the Loop: Towards a Model-Driven Approach",
Maroun Koussaifi, Sophie Trouilhet, Jean-Paul Arcangeli, Jean-Michel Bruel.
In International Workshop Microservices: Science and Engineering 2018.
"Towards Projection: Mapping Reflection Onto the Userland",
Nick Papoulias and Serge Stinckwich.
In Companion Proceedings of Modularity'16, ACM, 2016.
"Explicit Composition Constructs in DSLs: The Case of the Epidemiological Language KENDRICK",
Thi Mai Anh Bui, Nick Papoulias, Mikal Ziane, and Serge Stinckwich.
In International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'16).
"On the use of models for high-performance scientific computing applications: an experience report",
Ileana Ober, Marc Palyart, Jean-Michel Bruel, David Lugato.
In Software and System Modeling 17(1): 319-342.
"Towards a Generic Framework for the Initialization and the Observation of Socio-environmental Models",
Hasina Lalaina RakotonirainyJean-Pierre MüllerBertin Olivier Ramamonjisoa.
In MEDI 2014.
Benoit Combemale, Univ. Toulouse & Inria (co-PI)
Serge Stinckwich, UCN & UMI UMMISCO 209, IRD/UPMC/UY1 (co-PI)
Jean-Michel Bruel, Univ. Toulouse, IRIT.
Konrad Hinsen, CNRS Synchrotron Soleil .
Jean-Pierre Muller, CIRAD.
Nick Papoulias, Univ. la Rochelle, LIENSs.
François Pinet, IRSTEA.
Hasina Rakotonirainy, Univ. Fianarantsoa.
Miarimalala Tokinambinina Razafimanampy, CIRAD & Univ. Fianarantsoa.
Laure Vidaud, IRSTEA.